9 Essential Phrases For Navigating Public Transport In Taiwan

Last Updated: September 2023

Table of Contents

If you’re planning to explore Taiwan, you’ll likely find yourself using public transportation at some point. From the bustling cities to the serene countryside, Taiwan’s public transport network can take you almost anywhere you want to go.

However, navigating public transport in a foreign country can be daunting, especially if you don’t speak the language. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to the 9 essential phrases for navigating public transport in Taiwan.

In this guide, you’ll learn the basic phrases you need to know to ask for directions, purchase tickets, and board and exit public transport in Taiwan. You’ll also learn how to use the MRT (Taipei’s metro system) and the bus, as well as important safety and etiquette tips to keep in mind while traveling.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the language skills you need to confidently navigate Taiwan’s public transport system and explore all that this beautiful island has to offer.

Key Takeaways

  • Basic Mandarin phrases can make communication easier when navigating public transport in Taiwan
  • Double check before boarding to avoid taking the wrong route, and have the name of your destination written down in Chinese characters
  • EasyCard can be used for both MRT and buses, and transportation apps like Google Maps, Taiwan Railway, iBon, and Taipei Metro app can provide helpful information
  • Being respectful of local customs, safety precautions, and thanking the bus driver when exiting the vehicle are crucial when using public transport in Taiwan.

Greetings and Basic Phrases

You’ll want to make sure you know these basic phrases to confidently navigate public transport in Taiwan! As a foreign traveler, it can be intimidating to navigate a new city and its public transportation system. But with these essential phrases, you’ll be able to ask for help and get to your destination with ease.

First off, it’s important to greet the driver or ticket seller when boarding or exiting a bus or train. A simple "ni hao"(hello) or "zai jian"(goodbye) can go a long way in establishing a friendly rapport and showing respect.

Additionally, you’ll want to know basic phrases like "duo shao qian"(how much does it cost?) and "wo yao yi zhang hu zhao"(I’d like to buy a ticket). These phrases will help you communicate your needs and avoid confusion, especially if you don’t speak Mandarin fluently.

Asking for Directions

So you’re in Taiwan and you need directions? No worries!

There are three key phrases you can use to get the help you need:

  • ‘Where’s the nearest station?’
  • ‘How do I get to…?’
  • ‘Is this the right bus/train?’

By asking these questions, you’ll be able to navigate your way around the country with ease. Just remember to be polite and patient, and you’ll be sure to find your way in no time.

Where Is the Nearest Station?

If you’re looking for the nearest station, just ask someone for directions. Most Taiwanese people are friendly and helpful, and they’ll be happy to assist you with your inquiry. You can ask them in English, but it’s always better to learn some basic Mandarin phrases to make communication easier.

To ask where the nearest station is, you can say ‘Zuijin de jiezhan zai nar?'(最近的借站在哪å…’?). If you’re not sure how to pronounce it, you can write it down on your phone or a piece of paper and show it to the person you’re asking. It’s also helpful to know the name of the station you’re heading to, so you can ask for directions more accurately.

Once you get the directions, make sure to thank the person for their help. With a little bit of effort, you’ll be able to navigate Taiwan’s public transportation system with ease!

How Do I Get to…?

Finding your way around Taiwan is made easier by knowing how to ask for directions. If you’re trying to get somewhere using public transport, you’ll need to know how to ask for directions to your destination. Here are some essential phrases to help you navigate public transport in Taiwan:

  • How do I get to [destination] by [bus/train/MRT]?

  • For example: How do I get to Taipei 101 by MRT?

  • Which [bus/train/MRT] should I take to get to [destination]?

  • For example: Which bus should I take to get to the National Palace Museum?

  • What’s the best way to get to [destination] using public transport?

  • For example: What’s the best way to get to Kenting by train?

By using these phrases, you’ll be able to ask for directions to your destination using the appropriate mode of public transport. It’s also a good idea to have the name of your destination written down in Chinese characters, as this will make it easier for locals to understand where you want to go.

Remember to be polite and say thank you after receiving directions.

Navigating public transport in Taiwan may seem daunting, but with these essential phrases and a bit of preparation, you’ll be able to get around with ease. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it, as locals are often willing to assist visitors. With a little bit of effort, you’ll be able to explore all that Taiwan has to offer.

Is This the Right Bus/Train?

To make sure you don’t end up on the wrong bus or train, you’ll want to know how to verify that you’re on the correct route.

One essential phrase to use when asking if you’re on the right bus is "Is this the bus that goes to ___?"Fill in the blank with your intended destination and the driver or fellow passengers should be able to confirm if you’re on the right track.

For trains, you can ask "Is this the train that goes to ___?"Again, simply fill in the blank with your desired destination and someone should be able to assist you.

It’s important to note that it’s always better to double check before you board the vehicle, as it can be difficult or time-consuming to switch routes once you’re already on your way. By using these phrases, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free journey on public transport in Taiwan.

Purchasing Tickets

When traveling on public transport in Taiwan, it’s important to know that purchasing tickets can be done at ticket machines or at the ticket counter. Ticket machines are usually located near the entrance of the station and are easy to use. Simply select your destination and the number of tickets you need, and then insert your payment. The machines accept both coins and bills, and some even accept credit cards. If you’re unsure about how to use the machine, there are usually instructions in both Mandarin and English.

If you prefer to purchase tickets at the ticket counter, you can usually find one located near the entrance of the station as well. The staff at the ticket counter can help you purchase the correct ticket and answer any questions you may have. However, it’s important to note that not all staff members may speak English, so it’s a good idea to have your destination written down in Mandarin or to use a translation app.

Additionally, some stations may have long lines at the ticket counter during peak hours, so it’s best to arrive early or use the ticket machines if you’re in a hurry.

Boarding and Exiting

When boarding and exiting public transport in Taiwan, it’s important to keep these key points in mind:

  • Is This the Right Platform? Make sure you’re in the right place before boarding the train or bus.

  • Mind the Gap, especially when getting on or off the train, and be careful not to trip or fall.

  • And lastly, This Is My Stop. Always keep track of where you are and when your stop is coming up, so you can exit the vehicle at the right time.

Is This the Right Platform?

Hey, is this the platform for the train to Taipei? You might find yourself asking this question when navigating public transportation in Taiwan. It’s important to make sure you’re on the right platform to avoid missing your train or getting on the wrong one.

Here are some tips to help you determine if you’re on the right platform:

  1. Check the electronic signboards – Most train stations in Taiwan have electronic signboards that display train schedules and platform numbers. Look for the platform number that corresponds with your train’s destination.

  2. Ask station staff – If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to ask station staff for assistance. They can provide you with information on which platform to go to and even help you purchase your ticket.

  3. Look for signs – Platforms in Taiwan usually have signs that indicate which train service they’re for, such as express or local trains. Check these signs to make sure you’re on the right platform.

  4. Listen for announcements – Train stations in Taiwan make announcements in Mandarin, Taiwanese, and English. Listen for announcements that mention your train’s destination or platform number to confirm that you’re in the right place.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you’re on the right platform and avoid any confusion or delays when taking public transportation in Taiwan. Happy travels!

Mind the Gap

Don’t forget to mind the gap when boarding or exiting trains in Taiwan. The gap between the train and the platform can be quite large, especially on older trains or at smaller stations. This is why it’s important to pay attention and be careful when getting on or off the train.

To avoid any accidents, make sure to step onto the train or platform with both feet together and be aware of your surroundings. If you have any luggage, make sure it is secure and won’t get caught in the gap.

Additionally, be mindful of any gaps or uneven surfaces when walking on the platform. By taking these precautions, you can ensure a safe and smooth ride on Taiwan’s public transportation system.

This Is My Stop

As the bus approaches your destination, simply press the button and the driver will pull over to let you off. It’s important to know the right phrase to say when asking the driver to stop. In Taiwan, the phrase you should use is "這裡下車"(zhè lǐ xià chÄ“), which means "This is my stop."

To make it even easier, here’s a table of useful phrases to use when navigating public transportation in Taiwan. Use these phrases to communicate with bus or train drivers, and to ask for help if needed.

English Mandarin Pronunciation
Excuse me, where is the bus/train station? 不好意思,車站在哪裡? bù hǎo yì si, chē zhàn zài nǎ lǐ?
How much is the fare? 車費多少? chē fèi duō shǎo?
This is my stop. 這裡下車。 zhè lǐ xià chē.
Where is the nearest stop to my destination? 最接近目的地的車站在哪裡? zuì jiē jìn mù dì dì de chē zhàn zài nǎ lǐ?

Remember to stay calm and confident when using these phrases. Navigating public transportation in Taiwan may seem daunting at first, but with a little practice, you’ll soon be a pro.

Using the MRT

To use the MRT in Taiwan, you’ll need to purchase an EasyCard, which can be used for both the MRT and buses. Here are some essential tips for using the MRT:

  1. Plan your route ahead of time: The MRT system in Taiwan can be quite complex, with multiple lines and stations. Make sure to plan ahead and know which line and station you need to get to before entering the system.

  2. Follow the signs: The MRT stations are well-marked with signs in both Chinese and English. Follow the signs to find the correct platform and train.

  3. Board the correct train: Make sure to board the correct train, as some trains may be express trains or only stop at certain stations.

  4. Be aware of rush hour: The MRT can get very crowded during rush hour, so be prepared to stand close to other passengers. If you have a large bag or suitcase, try to avoid traveling during peak times to avoid inconveniencing others.

By following these tips, you’ll have a smooth and stress-free experience using the MRT in Taiwan. Don’t forget to tap your EasyCard when entering and exiting the system, and enjoy your ride!

Using the Bus

Get around Taiwan easily by using the bus system, which is also accessible through the EasyCard. The bus is a great way to explore the city and get to your desired destination.

With over 300 routes in Taipei alone, you can easily get around without worrying about getting lost. To use the bus, simply find the nearest bus stop and wait for the bus to arrive. Make sure to check the route number and destination before boarding.

You can also check the bus schedule and route map at the bus stop. Once inside, use your EasyCard to pay the fare. The fare varies depending on the distance of your travel, but you can check the fare table on the bus or on the Taipei Metro website.

Don’t forget to press the stop button when you’re nearing your destination. With these simple steps, you can easily navigate the bus system in Taiwan.

Safety and Etiquette

Staying safe and being respectful of local customs is crucial when using buses in Taiwan, so make sure to follow these etiquette tips.

First and foremost, always stand clear of the bus doors and wait for passengers to exit before boarding. Pushing and shoving to get on the bus isn’t only rude, but it can also cause accidents.

Once on the bus, make sure to take a seat or hold onto a strap or handle for balance. Avoid standing in the aisle or near the doors, as this can obstruct the flow of traffic and pose a safety hazard.

Additionally, it’s important to keep your voice down and refrain from talking on your phone while on the bus. Taiwanese people value quietness and privacy, so being loud or intrusive can be seen as disrespectful. If you must take a call or send a message, use headphones or step off the bus briefly to do so.

Lastly, always thank the bus driver when exiting the vehicle. This small gesture of gratitude is considered polite and shows appreciation for their service.

By following these etiquette tips, you can ensure a safe and pleasant experience on public transport in Taiwan.

Additional Resources

If you’re planning a trip to Taiwan, it’s essential to have access to additional resources that can help you navigate the country with ease.

Tourist Information Centers are a great place to start, as they can provide you with maps, brochures, and local insights on the best places to visit.

Transportation apps are also incredibly useful, allowing you to plan your route, book tickets, and track your progress in real-time.

And if you want to brush up on your Mandarin skills, a useful phrases cheat sheet can come in handy, helping you to communicate with locals and make the most of your trip.

Tourist Information Centers

Visiting the Tourist Information Centers in Taiwan is a great way to get local tips and recommendations. These centers are located in major cities and tourist spots, making them easily accessible for travelers. Once you arrive at a center, you can expect to find friendly and knowledgeable staff who can provide you with information about local attractions, transportation, and accommodations.

Here are a few things you can expect to find at a Tourist Information Center in Taiwan:

  • Maps and brochures: The centers typically have a wide selection of maps and brochures that cover different regions of Taiwan. You can pick up a map that shows the best hiking trails, a brochure that highlights the country’s night markets, or a guidebook that lists the best hot springs.

  • Transportation information: Tourist Information Centers can help you navigate Taiwan’s public transportation system. They can provide you with information about train schedules, bus routes, and metro maps. They can also give you tips on how to buy tickets and how to use the transportation card system.

  • Local recommendations: The staff at Tourist Information Centers are locals who know the best places to eat, shop, and visit. They can recommend hidden gems that aren’t listed in guidebooks and give you insider tips on how to make the most of your time in Taiwan.

Transportation Apps

Utilizing transportation apps can greatly enhance your experience while exploring Taiwan. With so many apps available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your needs. To help you out, we have compiled a list of the top transportation apps for Taiwan.

First on the list is Google Maps. This app is widely used and provides up-to-date information on public transportation routes, schedules, and estimated travel times. It also offers real-time traffic updates, so you can adjust your travel plans accordingly. Another popular app is Taiwan Railway, which provides information on train schedules, ticket prices, and seat availability. It also offers a feature that allows you to purchase tickets online and pick them up at the train station. Other notable apps include iBon, which allows you to purchase and store transportation tickets, and the Taipei Metro app, which provides information on the city’s subway system. By utilizing these transportation apps, you can easily navigate your way around Taiwan and make the most of your travels.

App Name Features
Google Maps Provides up-to-date information on public transportation routes, schedules, and estimated travel times. Offers real-time traffic updates.
Taiwan Railway Provides information on train schedules, ticket prices, and seat availability. Allows you to purchase tickets online and pick them up at the train station.
iBon Allows you to purchase and store transportation tickets.
Taipei Metro Provides information on the city’s subway system.

Transportation apps can make your travels in Taiwan much more convenient and efficient. By utilizing the apps listed above, you can easily navigate public transportation and avoid getting lost in an unfamiliar city. So, go ahead and download these apps before your trip, and enjoy exploring Taiwan with ease!

Useful Phrases Cheat Sheet

Don’t forget to grab a copy of the useful phrases cheat sheet to help you communicate effectively during your travels in Taiwan. Whether you’re taking the MRT, bus, or train, knowing some basic phrases in Chinese will come in handy.

Here are a few phrases to keep in mind:

  • ‘Duo shao qian’ (多少é’±) means ‘how much does it cost?’ This is especially useful when taking a taxi or purchasing tickets for public transportation.
  • ‘Zhe li zai na er?’ (这里在哪儿) means ‘where is this?’ When you’re unsure of your location or need directions, this phrase will help you ask for help.
  • ‘Wo yao dao…’ (我要到…) means ‘I want to go to…’ Use this phrase to tell the driver or station attendant your destination.
  • ‘Xiexie’ (谢谢) means ‘thank you.’ It’s always polite to show gratitude, especially when receiving help or directions.

By familiarizing yourself with these phrases, you’ll be better equipped to navigate public transportation in Taiwan and communicate effectively with the locals. So, don’t forget to bring your cheat sheet and practice these phrases during your travels.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the maximum amount of time a passenger can stay on a bus or MRT?

When riding public transportation in Taiwan, it’s important to keep in mind that there’s a maximum amount of time you can stay on a bus or MRT. Generally, this maximum time is around 2 hours, but it can vary depending on the specific route and company.

It’s important to check with the driver or station attendant to confirm the maximum time limit for your particular ride. Exceeding the maximum time limit may result in additional fees or penalties.

So, be sure to plan your route accordingly and keep track of your time to avoid any issues.

Are there any restrictions on bringing food and drinks onto public transportation in Taiwan?

Yes, there are restrictions on bringing food and drinks onto public transportation in Taiwan. It’s generally not allowed to eat or drink on buses or trains, except for water in a sealed container. This is to maintain cleanliness and prevent spills or stains on the vehicles.

However, there are designated eating areas in some train stations where you can consume food and drinks before boarding your train. It’s important to respect these rules to ensure a pleasant and comfortable experience for all passengers.

Additionally, it’s also important to dispose of any trash properly in the designated trash bins to maintain a clean and healthy environment.

What is the penalty for not paying the correct fare on public transportation in Taiwan?

If you don’t pay the correct fare on public transportation in Taiwan, you may be subject to a penalty. The amount of the penalty depends on the mode of transportation and the distance traveled.

For example, if you’re caught without a valid ticket on the MRT, you may be fined up to NT$1,500. On buses, the penalty is usually around NT$250.

It’s important to note that fare evasion is taken seriously in Taiwan, and you may be subject to legal action if you’re caught repeatedly. To avoid any issues, make sure you pay the correct fare and keep your ticket or EasyCard with you at all times.

Can passengers bring pets onto buses or the MRT in Taiwan?

Yes, passengers are allowed to bring pets onto buses or the MRT in Taiwan, but there are certain rules and regulations that they must follow.

Firstly, pets must be kept in carriers or cages at all times and cannot be let out while on public transportation.

Secondly, pets must not cause any disturbance or inconvenience to other passengers and must be well-behaved and quiet.

Additionally, some bus companies or MRT stations may have their own specific rules regarding pets, so it’s important to check beforehand.

As a responsible pet owner, it’s also important to clean up after your pet and ensure that they don’t damage any public property while on board.

Is there a lost and found service for items left on public transportation in Taiwan?

Yes, there’s a lost and found service for items left on public transportation in Taiwan. You can contact the lost and found center of the transportation company if you realize you’ve left something behind on a bus or on the MRT. They’ll ask for a description of the lost item and the time and place where you left it. If your item is found, they’ll contact you to arrange for pickup. To increase the chances of retrieving your lost item, it’s important to act quickly and provide as much detail as possible.


Congratulations! You now have all the essential phrases you need to navigate public transport in Taiwan with ease. By using the greetings and basic phrases, you can communicate effectively with locals and show your respect for their culture.

Asking for directions will become a breeze with the new phrases you’ve learned, and purchasing tickets will be a more straightforward experience. When boarding and exiting, remember to use the appropriate phrases to ensure a smooth and efficient process. And if you plan on using the MRT or bus, pay attention to the specific phrases related to each mode of transport.

It’s also important to keep safety and etiquette in mind, particularly when traveling during peak hours. With these phrases under your belt, you’ll be able to confidently navigate the public transport system in Taiwan and explore all that this beautiful country has to offer.

Remember to use additional resources, such as maps and apps, to enhance your travel experience. Happy travels!

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Gwenn J. Brown

Royal Empire Hotel Review

Looking for a luxurious getaway that will make you feel like royalty? Well, look no further than the Royal Empire Hotel. This stunning establishment offers a truly regal experience that will leave you feeling pampered and rejuvenated. From its prime location to its top-notch

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Taipei Central Hotel Review

Looking for a hotel that ticks all the boxes? Look no further than Taipei Central Hotel. With its prime location and easy accessibility, this hotel is sure to make your stay in Taipei a breeze. From the comfortable rooms with modern amenities to the

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Pearl Dynasty Palace Review

Step into the sumptuous world of Pearl Dynasty Palace, where delectable dishes and exquisite decor await. This opulent oasis offers a dining experience fit for royalty. From the moment you enter, the elegant ambiance envelops you, transporting you to a realm of luxury and

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Paradise Sands View Review

Looking for a slice of paradise? Look no further than Paradise Sands View Review! Get ready to be captivated by the stunning location and surroundings, indulge in luxurious accommodation and amenities, and immerse yourself in exciting beach and water activities. With a wide range

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Golden Dragon Hotel Review

Are you ready to experience luxury like never before? Well, get ready because the Golden Dragon Hotel has it all! With its prime location in the heart of the city and easy accessibility to all major attractions, this hotel is a traveler’s dream. From

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Taipei Marina Inn Review

Looking for a cozy and convenient place to stay in Taipei? Look no further than Taipei Marina Inn. With its prime location and easy accessibility, this hotel is the perfect choice for your next trip. From the moment you step into the modern and

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Pacific Tower Sands Review

Welcome to the Pacific Tower Sands, where paradise meets luxury. This exquisite resort offers an array of room options and top-notch amenities to cater to all your needs. Indulge in a culinary experience that will leave your taste buds dancing with delight. Dive into

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Beauty Hotels Taipei – Hotel Bfun Review

Are you tired of the same old, generic hotel experiences? Look no further than Beauty Hotels Taipei – Hotel Bfun. This charming establishment offers a unique and unforgettable stay in the heart of Taipei. With its convenient location and top-notch amenities, you’ll feel like

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Taipei Gateway Hotel Review

Step through the doors of Taipei Gateway Hotel and immerse yourself in a world of comfort and convenience. This review will take you on a journey through the hotel’s prime location, luxurious room accommodations, delectable dining options, top-notch amenities, and unparalleled service. Prepare to

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Beauty Hotels – Beautique Hotel Review

Looking for a luxurious getaway? Look no further than Beauty Hotels – Beautique Hotel, where elegance meets comfort. In this article, we will take you on a journey through the exquisite room accommodations, tantalizing dining options, and the array of amenities and facilities that

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Oriental Sands View Review

Step into a world where paradise awaits your every desire. At Oriental Sands, you’ll be transported to a tranquil oasis nestled between the crystal-clear waters and golden sands. Immerse yourself in luxurious accommodations, indulge in exquisite culinary delights, and embark on unforgettable adventures. From

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Metro View Inn Review

If you’re in need of a cozy and convenient place to stay during your next trip to the city, look no further than Metro View Inn. With its prime location and top-notch amenities, this hotel is sure to exceed your expectations. Imagine waking up

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Paradise Hotel Taipei Review

Are you searching for a slice of paradise in Taipei? Look no further than Paradise Hotel Taipei. Nestled in the heart of the vibrant city, this luxurious hotel offers a haven of comfort and convenience. From the moment you arrive, you’ll be greeted with

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Caesar Park Hotel Banqiao Review

Looking for a sophisticated and comfortable hotel experience? Look no further than Caesar Park Hotel Banqiao. With its prime location and easy accessibility, you’ll be able to explore all that the surrounding area has to offer. The rooms are equipped with top-notch amenities and

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Charming Castle Hotel Review

Looking for a getaway fit for royalty? Look no further than the Charming Castle Hotel. From the moment you step foot inside, you’ll be transported to a world of elegance and grandeur. With its stunning location and picturesque surroundings, this hotel is a true

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CHECK Inn Express Taipei Yongkang Review

Are you seeking a cozy and convenient place to stay in Taipei? Look no further than the CHECK Inn Express Taipei Yongkang. Nestled in the heart of the city, this hotel offers a unique blend of comfort and accessibility. Imagine waking up to the

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Chair Man Hotel Review

If you’re in search of a hotel that ticks all the boxes, look no further than Chair Man Hotel. With its prime location, top-notch amenities, and exceptional customer service, this hotel is sure to exceed your expectations. From the moment you step foot through

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Victoria Plaza Hotel Review

Imagine yourself stepping into a lavish oasis in the heart of the city, where luxury meets convenience. Welcome to the Victoria Plaza Hotel – a haven for travelers seeking comfort and style. With its prime location and impeccable service, this hotel has become a

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CHECK Inn Select New Taipei Sanchong Review

Step into the world of comfort and luxury at CHECK Inn Select New Taipei Sanchong. This exquisite hotel invites you to experience a stay like no other. From the moment you walk through the doors, you’ll be greeted with warm smiles and impeccable service.

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Charming City Songshan Hotel Review

Looking for a charming getaway in the heart of the city? Look no further than Charming City Songshan Hotel. With its prime location and easy accessibility, this hotel is the perfect choice for both business and leisure travelers. With a wide range of room

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Taipei City Center Hotel Review

Imagine stepping into the heart of Taipei, where the vibrant city pulses with energy and excitement. You find yourself in the midst of towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, and amidst it all, there stands the Taipei City Center Hotel. This is your home away

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CHECK Inn Select Taipei Yamgmingshan Review

Welcome to the wonderful world of Check Inn Select Taipei Yamgmingshan! Nestled in the heart of Taipei, this enchanting establishment offers an array of amenities and features that are sure to make your stay unforgettable. From comfortable rooms to delectable dining options, there is

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Chez Taipei No 5 Review

Step into a culinary paradise at Chez Taipei No 5, where each bite transports you to the vibrant streets of Taiwan. You’ll be greeted by charming decor and a warm, inviting ambiance that sets the stage for an unforgettable dining experience. The menu boasts

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Cho Hotel 3 Review

Step into the world of luxury and comfort at Cho Hotel 3, where every detail is designed to exceed your expectations. From the moment you enter the hotel’s elegant lobby, you will be greeted with a warm and inviting atmosphere. The attentive staff is

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Chill Roof Hotel Review

Imagine stepping into a tranquil oasis, where relaxation and luxury intertwine seamlessly. Welcome to Chill Roof Hotel, where your ultimate getaway awaits. Nestled in a prime location, this haven offers easy accessibility to all the city has to offer. With its impeccable room amenities

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Chian Huei Business Hotel Review

You might be wondering if Chian Huei Business Hotel is worth your stay. Well, let me assure you, it absolutely is. This review will give you an in-depth look at its location, room amenities, dining options, service, and overall value. From the moment you

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Cho Hotel Review

Imagine finding yourself in the heart of the city, craving a luxurious retreat that perfectly balances comfort and convenience. Look no further than Cho Hotel! This captivating hotel review will take you on a journey through the prime location, top-notch amenities, delectable dining options,

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Imperial Castle Hotel Review

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to stay in a luxurious castle hotel? Well, at the Imperial Castle Hotel, you can experience the grandeur and elegance of a bygone era. With its stunning location and easy accessibility, this hotel is perfect for those

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Chyuan Du Spring Resort Review

Immerse yourself in the tranquil oasis of Chyuan Du Spring Resort. Picture yourself lounging by the sparkling pool, sipping a refreshing cocktail as the warm sun kisses your skin. Indulge in the luxurious amenities, from the rejuvenating spa treatments to the exquisite dining experiences.

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Citizen Hotel Review

Looking for a hotel that ticks all the boxes? Look no further than Citizen Hotel! With its prime location and easy accessibility, you’ll be in the heart of the city’s action. The accommodations and amenities are top-notch, ensuring a comfortable stay. And let’s not

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City Suites – Taipei Nandong Review

Welcome to the wonderful world of City Suites – Taipei Nandong! Step into this stylish sanctuary and soak up the sensational sights and sounds of this sensational city. With its convenient location and easy accessibility, you’ll find yourself immersed in the heart of Taipei’s

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City Suites-Taipei Nanxi Review

If you’re looking for a comfortable and convenient stay in Taipei, City Suites-Taipei Nanxi is the place for you. With its prime location and easy accessibility to the city’s attractions, this hotel offers everything you need for a memorable experience. From the well-appointed rooms

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CityInn Hotel Plus- Fuxing North Road Branch Review

Step into a world of comfort and convenience at CityInn Hotel Plus- Fuxing North Road Branch. Nestled in the heart of the city, this hotel symbolizes the perfect blend of luxury and accessibility. With its prime location and top-notch amenities, you’ll find yourself immersed

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Taipei Marina Hotel Review

Looking for a top-notch hotel in Taipei? Look no further than Taipei Marina Hotel. With its prime location and easy accessibility, this hotel is a traveler’s dream. From the moment you step foot in your room, you’ll be greeted with luxurious amenities and modern

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City Suites – Main Station Review

Imagine stepping into a world where comfort meets convenience, where every detail is meticulously crafted to ensure an unforgettable stay. Welcome to City Suites – Main Station, where luxury and accessibility collide. From the moment you enter the lobby, you’ll be captivated by the

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Cityinn Hotel Taipei Station Branch I Review

Immerse yourself in the vibrant heart of Taipei at Cityinn Hotel Taipei Station Branch I. Step into a world where convenience and comfort intertwine seamlessly. From the moment you enter, you’ll be greeted with modern amenities and a warm, inviting atmosphere. Indulge in the

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Citizenm Taipei North Gate Review

Step into a world where comfort meets style at Citizenm Taipei North Gate. You’ll be whisked away from the hustle and bustle of the city as soon as you enter the sleek lobby. With its prime location and easy access to transportation, this hotel

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4Plus Hostel Review

Imagine stepping into a vibrant world where comfort, affordability, and adventure unite. Welcome to the 4Plus Hostel, where every corner whispers stories of unforgettable experiences. As you enter, you’ll be greeted by a lively atmosphere that instantly ignites your wanderlust. With its prime location

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CityInn Hotel Taipei Station Branch III Review

If you’re looking for a top-notch hotel experience in Taipei, look no further than CityInn Hotel Taipei Station Branch III. With its prime location and excellent accessibility, you’ll be able to explore the city with ease. The accommodations and room features will make you

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ColorMix Hotel & Hostel Review

Are you ready for a mind-blowing hotel and hostel experience? Look no further than ColorMix Hotel & Hostel! This place will knock your socks off with its vibrant decor, top-notch amenities, and unbeatable location. From the moment you step through the doors, you’ll be

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Amba Taipei Songshan Review

Step into the vibrant heart of Taipei’s Songshan district and immerse yourself in the contemporary charm of Amba Taipei Songshan. Like a captivating melody, this boutique hotel will enchant you with its modern design, sleek amenities, and warm hospitality. Indulge in delectable culinary delights,

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Cloud Hotel Arena Review

Imagine stepping into a world where luxury meets convenience. Welcome to Cloud Hotel Arena, where your every need is catered to with precision and style. In this review, we will take you on a journey through the location, amenities, dining options, and overall experience

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9ine Hotel Review

Step into a world of luxury and comfort at the 9ine Hotel. Nestled in the heart of the city, this boutique hotel offers an unforgettable experience for every traveler. From the moment you enter, you’ll be greeted with impeccable service and exquisite amenities that

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Aloft Taipei Zhongshan Review

Think you’ve seen it all when it comes to hotels? Think again! Get ready to be pleasantly surprised by Aloft Taipei Zhongshan. This trendy, modern hotel offers a unique blend of style and comfort that will make your stay an unforgettable experience. From its

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Aloft Taipei Beitou Review

Imagine yourself soaring through the skies like a bird, effortlessly gliding over the breathtaking landscape of Taipei. Now, imagine landing in the heart of Beitou, where tranquility and modernity seamlessly intertwine. Welcome to Aloft Taipei Beitou, where every aspect of your stay is designed

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CJ Hotel Review

You’re looking for a hotel that caters to your every need, a place where comfort and convenience meet. Well, look no further because CJ Hotel is just what you need. From its prime location to its top-notch amenities, this hotel has it all. Whether

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Pacific Plaza Hotel Review

You’re in luck! The Pacific Plaza Hotel Review is the perfect guide to help you navigate through your decision-making process. With its second person point of view, active voice, and contractions, this review will make you feel like you’re experiencing the hotel firsthand. Get

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Caesar Metro Taipei Review

Looking for a hotel that perfectly combines luxury and convenience? Look no further than Caesar Metro Taipei. This vibrant and modern hotel is situated in the heart of Taipei, offering easy access to all the city has to offer. From the moment you step

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Metro Plaza Hotel Review

Are you looking for a hotel that offers both convenience and luxury? Look no further than Metro Plaza Hotel. Located in the heart of the city, this hotel provides easy access to all the attractions and amenities you desire. With comfortable rooms, delicious dining

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Taipei City View Inn Review

Are you yearning for a breathtaking view of Taipei City? Look no further than Taipei City View Inn, where you can immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of the city from the comfort of your own room. With its prime location and easy accessibility,

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Oriental Sunrise Hotel Review

Are you ready for a captivating and luxurious experience? Step into the world of Oriental Sunrise Hotel, where every sunrise brings a new adventure. From the moment you arrive, you’ll be immersed in an enchanting atmosphere that will leave you breathless. Imagine waking up

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Hotel Review
Gwenn J. Brown

Victoria Hotel Taipei Review

Step into luxury and indulge in the vibrant atmosphere of Victoria Hotel Taipei. This is where you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of impeccable service and unparalleled comfort. From the moment you step foot in this exquisite establishment, you’ll be greeted with warm

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Transport In Taiwan
Gwenn J. Brown

7 Modes Of Transportation To Explore In Taiwan

Are you planning a trip to Taiwan and wondering how to get around? Fear not, as Taiwan has a range of transportation options that will allow you to explore the country with ease. From high-speed trains to traditional boats, here are seven modes of

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Transport In Taiwan
Gwenn J. Brown

10 Essential Tips For Getting Around In Taiwan

Are you planning a trip to Taiwan? Congratulations! You’re in for a treat. Taiwan is a vibrant and fascinating country with a rich culture, stunning natural beauty, and delicious cuisine. But before you start planning your itinerary, it’s important to know how to get

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Transport In Taiwan
Gwenn J. Brown

Comparing Different Transportation Passes For Exploring Taiwan

If you’re planning to explore Taiwan, you’ll need to consider your transportation options carefully. The country has an extensive network of buses, trains, and subways, but navigating it can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not familiar with the language or the area. Fortunately, there

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Transport In Taiwan
Gwenn J. Brown

Review: Taiwan’s Airport Transportation Options

Are you planning a trip to Taiwan and wondering about the best way to get from the airport to your destination? Look no further than this review of Taiwan’s airport transportation options. Whether you’re arriving at Taipei Taoyuan International Airport or Songshan Airport, there

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Transport In Taiwan
Gwenn J. Brown

Review: Taiwan’s Transportation Infrastructure And Connectivity

If you’re planning a trip to Taiwan, you’ll be pleased to know that the transportation system in this island nation is highly efficient and well-connected. From highways to railways, airports to intermodal connections, Taiwan boasts an impressive transportation infrastructure that caters to the needs

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Transport In Taiwan
Gwenn J. Brown

The Benefits Of Using Bicycles For Transportation In Taiwan

Are you looking for an efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable way to get around Taiwan? Look no further than the humble bicycle. Taiwan has made great strides in promoting sustainable transportation, and cycling has become a popular mode of transportation for locals and visitors alike.

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Transport In Taiwan
Gwenn J. Brown

Taiwan’s Mrt Systems: A Guide To Subway Travel

Are you planning to explore Taiwan’s bustling cities using its efficient subway system? Look no further than this guide to Taiwan’s MRT Systems. With its extensive network of subway lines, traveling around Taiwan has never been easier. From Taipei to Kaohsiung, Taiwan’s MRT Systems

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Transport In Taiwan
Gwenn J. Brown

The Best Routes For Cycling Tours In Taiwan

Are you looking for a unique way to explore Taiwan? Cycling tours are becoming increasingly popular, offering an immersive experience of the island’s diverse landscapes and rich culture. Taiwan boasts a vast network of cycling routes, ranging from gentle coastal paths to challenging mountain

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The Future Of Sustainable Transportation In Taiwan

Looking towards the future, Taiwan’s transportation system is at a crossroads. As the country continues to develop and grow, the need for sustainable transportation increases in importance. With environmental concerns at the forefront of global discussions, Taiwan is taking steps to tackle the issue

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