Hualien Adventure: 8 Thrilling Outdoor Activities To Try

Last Updated: September 2023

Table of Contents

Looking for an adrenaline-packed adventure in Taiwan? Look no further than Hualien, a city on the eastern coast that offers a variety of thrilling outdoor activities.

From hiking in Taroko Gorge to river tracing and paragliding, there’s no shortage of heart-pumping experiences to be had.

If you’re a nature lover seeking a challenge, you won’t be disappointed by the outdoor activities Hualien has to offer. Whether you’re an experienced adventurer or a beginner looking to try something new, there’s something for everyone.

So pack your bags, grab your gear, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey in Hualien.

Key Takeaways

  • Hualien offers a variety of thrilling outdoor activities for both experienced adventurers and beginners, including hiking, river tracing, paragliding, whitewater rafting, biking, surfing, rock climbing, and abseiling.
  • Taroko Gorge is a popular hiking destination in Hualien, with the Shakadang Trail being the most popular hike, while the Zhuilu Old Trail is a must-try for those seeking a challenge.
  • Hualien has some of the best surf spots in Taiwan, with Jici Beach being perfect for beginners and Farglory Ocean Park for more experienced surfers. Surfing in Hualien requires checking the weather and tides, with Jinzun Harbor being a must-visit spot for experienced surfers.
  • Rock climbing and abseiling in Hualien offer heart-pumping adventures, with rugged cliffs and stunning landscapes for unforgettable experiences. Guided tours and climbing schools are available for all skill levels, with necessary equipment and safety gear provided. Tips for rock climbing include comfortable clothing, hydration, taking breaks often, and not pushing beyond limits.

Hiking in Taroko Gorge

Exploring the magnificent Taroko Gorge through hiking is an exhilarating experience that shouldn’t be missed. The trails of Taroko Gorge are well-maintained and offer a range of difficulty levels, making it a perfect destination for both experienced hikers and beginners.

As you hike through the lush green forests, you’ll be rewarded with spectacular views of the marble-walled canyon, crystal-clear streams, and stunning waterfalls.

The most popular hike in Taroko Gorge is the Shakadang Trail, which takes you along the turquoise waters of the Shakadang River. The trail is relatively easy, making it perfect for beginners, and offers stunning views of the gorge throughout.

For those seeking more of a challenge, the Zhuilu Old Trail is a must-try. The trail is narrow and steep, but the breathtaking views of the canyon make it all worth it.

So put on your hiking shoes and get ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime.

River Tracing

Venturing into the river’s depths while tracing its winding path is an exhilarating experience. River tracing, also known as canyoning, is a popular activity in Hualien that involves following the course of a river and exploring its hidden treasures.

This activity requires physical endurance, as you’ll need to swim, climb, and jump your way through the river’s rapids, waterfalls, and pools. However, the stunning natural scenery and the thrill of the adventure make it all worth it.

River tracing is an excellent way to connect with nature and challenge yourself, as you’ll encounter different obstacles and terrain along the way. You’ll be provided with the necessary equipment, such as a wetsuit, helmet, and shoes, to ensure your safety and comfort.

A guide will also accompany you, who’ll show you the best routes to take and provide tips on how to navigate through the river. River tracing isn’t only an exciting activity but also a way to experience the beauty of Hualien’s landscape in a unique and unforgettable way.


You’re going to love paragliding, as you soar through the air and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. If you’re up for an adrenaline-filled adventure, paragliding in Hualien is an experience you won’t forget.

Here are 4 reasons why you should give it a try:

  1. It’s a unique way to see the beauty of Hualien. As you glide through the air, you’ll be able to take in the stunning scenery from a whole new perspective.

  2. It’s a thrilling experience. Paragliding is not for the faint of heart, but the excitement and rush you’ll feel as you soar through the air will make it all worth it.

  3. You don’t need any prior experience. Even if you’ve never paraglided before, you can still enjoy this activity with the help of experienced instructors.

  4. It’s a safe and well-regulated activity. Hualien has strict safety regulations for paragliding, so you can rest assured that you’re in good hands.

Paragliding is an activity that will challenge you physically and mentally. It requires you to have a certain level of fitness and be able to handle heights. But, if you’re up for the challenge, paragliding can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

As you glide through the air, you’ll feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration that’s hard to describe. So, why not give it a try and see for yourself why paragliding is one of the most popular outdoor activities in Hualien?

Whitewater Rafting

Get ready for an adrenaline rush as you navigate through rushing rapids and unpredictable waves with whitewater rafting. This outdoor activity is perfect for adventure-seekers who love the rush of adrenaline.

With the stunning backdrop of the Taroko Gorge, you can enjoy the thrill of the rapids while taking in the breathtaking views of the surrounding nature.

Whitewater rafting in Hualien is perfect for all skill levels, from beginners to experienced rafters. The tour guides are highly trained and experienced, ensuring your safety while still giving you the thrill of a lifetime.

So, whether you’re looking to conquer the rapids or just enjoy a leisurely float down the river, whitewater rafting in Hualien is an adventure you won’t want to miss.

Biking Along the East Coast

Take in the stunning scenery of Taiwan’s east coast while cruising along on a bike ride. Biking along the East Coast is an excellent way to experience the natural beauty of Hualien.

The route stretches over 100 kilometers and offers breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, coastal cliffs, and lush green forests. The best time to go biking is during the spring and autumn months when the weather is mild and comfortable.

You can rent a bike from various rental shops in Hualien City or join a guided tour to explore the area’s hidden gems. Along the way, you’ll come across several rest stops where you can take a break, enjoy a snack, and soak in the stunning scenery.

So, grab your helmet, hop on a bike, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure along the East Coast!


Are you ready to ride the waves of Hualien’s beaches and experience the thrill of surfing? This exciting outdoor activity is perfect for adventurous travelers like you who are looking for a new challenge.

Not only will you be able to test your skills on the waves, but you’ll also have the opportunity to meet other like-minded individuals who share your passion for adventure. So grab your board and get ready for an unforgettable surfing experience in Hualien!

Ride the Waves of Hualien’s Beaches

Ready to experience the rush of adrenaline as you ride the waves of Hualien’s stunning beaches? Hualien has some of the best surf spots in Taiwan, and it’s the perfect destination for surfers of all levels.

From the gentle waves of Jici Beach to the more challenging breaks of Farglory Ocean Park, there’s a spot for everyone. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your surfing experience in Hualien:

  • Choose the right spot: Depending on your skill level, choose a spot that suits you best. Jici Beach is perfect for beginners, while the more experienced surfers should head to Farglory Ocean Park.
  • Rent equipment: If you don’t have your own equipment, don’t worry. You can rent everything you need from the surf shops near the beaches.
  • Check the weather and tides: Surfing is all about timing, so make sure you check the weather and tides before hitting the waves. The best time to surf in Hualien is from October to March, when the waves are the biggest.

With these tips in mind, you’re ready to hit the waves and experience the thrill of surfing in Hualien. So grab your board, put on your wetsuit, and get ready to ride the waves like a pro!

Enjoy the Thrill of Surfing

To experience the rush of surfing, grab your board and feel the exhilaration as you ride the waves like a pro. Hualien’s beaches offer some of the best surfing spots in Taiwan, with consistent swells and breathtaking views. Here are some of the top spots to catch a wave:

Surf Spot Wave Type Best Time to Go Level
Jinzun Harbor Reef October-April Intermediate-Advanced
Jici Beach Beach September-November Beginner-Intermediate
Farglory Beach Beach October-March Intermediate
Qixingtan Beach Beach October-March Beginner-Intermediate
Chenggong Beach Beach October-March Intermediate-Advanced

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced surfer, Hualien’s beaches have something to offer. If you’re new to the sport, Jici Beach is a great place to start. The gentle waves and sandy bottom make it an ideal spot for beginners to practice their skills. For more experienced surfers, Jinzun Harbor is a must-visit spot, with its consistent swells and challenging reef breaks. No matter where you go, surfing in Hualien is an unforgettable experience that you won’t want to miss.

Meet Other Adventurous Travelers

Get ready to make new friends and share your travel experiences with other adventure-seekers while exploring the beautiful landscapes of Hualien. Whether you’re trekking through Taroko Gorge or kayaking along the coast, there are plenty of opportunities to connect with like-minded travelers who share your passion for the outdoors.

You might find yourself swapping stories around a campfire, bonding over a challenging hike, or simply enjoying a meal together after a long day of adventure. Meeting other adventurous travelers is not only a great way to enhance your own experience, but it can also help you discover new activities and destinations to add to your itinerary.

You might get inspired to try bungee jumping or rock climbing after chatting with someone who just had an exhilarating experience. Or, you might learn about a hidden gem of a beach or waterfall that you wouldn’t have known about otherwise. So, don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with your fellow travelers and see where it takes you.

Who knows, you might just make some lifelong friends along the way.

Rock Climbing

If you’re looking for a heart-pumping adventure in Hualien, rock climbing is a must-try activity. The rugged cliffs and stunning landscape make for an unforgettable climbing experience. Don’t worry if you’re a beginner, there are plenty of guided tours and climbing schools that offer courses for all skill levels.

Before you hit the rocks, make sure you have all the necessary equipment and safety gear. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Wear comfortable clothing that allows for flexibility and movement.
  • Bring plenty of water and snacks to stay hydrated and fueled.
  • Listen carefully to your guide’s instructions and follow their lead.
  • Always check your equipment before starting your climb.
  • Take breaks often and don’t push yourself beyond your limits.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be ready to conquer the cliffs and experience the thrill of rock climbing in Hualien. Don’t forget to take in the breathtaking views and snap some photos along the way – this adventure’s one you won’t want to forget!


You’ll feel your heart racing as you descend down the steep cliffs of Hualien through abseiling, taking in the stunning scenery from a whole new perspective. This thrilling activity allows you to conquer your fear of heights while also appreciating the beauty of nature. With a trained guide by your side, you’ll be able to safely rappel down the cliff face and feel a sense of accomplishment once you reach the bottom.

To give you an idea of what to expect during an abseiling adventure in Hualien, take a look at this table:

Equipment Description
Harness A safety belt worn around the waist and thighs to attach to the rope
Rope A long, sturdy cord used for descending down the cliff
Carabiner A metal clip used to secure the rope to the harness
Helmet A protective headgear worn to prevent injuries
Gloves A pair of gloves to protect your hands from rope burns

With the right equipment and guidance, abseiling in Hualien can be a truly unforgettable experience. So why not challenge yourself and give it a try? You just might surprise yourself with how much you enjoy it!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time of year to participate in these outdoor activities in Hualien?

The best time of year to participate in these outdoor activities depends on the specific activity and your personal preferences.

For example, if you enjoy cooler temperatures and less crowds, fall and winter may be ideal. However, if you prefer warmer weather and more social interaction, spring and summer may be better options.

It’s important to research the weather patterns and peak tourist seasons in Hualien before planning your trip and choosing which activities to participate in.

Are there any age or physical requirements for participating in these activities?

To answer your question, there are age and physical requirements for participating in outdoor activities, but it depends on the specific activity.

For instance, activities like hiking and cycling are generally suitable for all age groups and fitness levels. However, activities such as rock climbing or bungee jumping require a certain level of physical fitness and strength, and may have age restrictions.

It’s important to check with the activity provider beforehand to ensure that you meet the necessary requirements and to ensure your safety during the activity.

What kind of equipment is needed for each activity?

For each of the activities listed, different equipment may be required depending on the specifics of the experience. If you plan to go river tracing, for example, you’ll need to bring a wetsuit, helmet, and water shoes. For rock climbing, you’ll need climbing shoes, a harness, and a helmet, among other things. Biking may require a helmet, appropriate clothing, and a bike rental.

It’s important to research each activity and understand what equipment is necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Are there any safety precautions or guidelines that participants should be aware of?

When participating in outdoor activities, it’s important to be aware of safety precautions and guidelines. Depending on the activity, different measures may need to be taken to ensure the safety of participants.

For example, when hiking, it’s important to wear appropriate footwear and bring enough water and snacks. When rock climbing, participants should wear helmets and harnesses, and be familiar with the equipment being used.

It’s also important to be aware of weather conditions and potential hazards such as loose rocks or slippery surfaces. By being prepared and aware of safety measures, participants can enjoy their outdoor activities while minimizing the risk of injury.

Are there any nearby accommodations or tour packages available for those interested in trying multiple activities?

If you’re interested in trying multiple outdoor activities in Hualien, there are several nearby accommodations and tour packages available for you to choose from.

From cozy guesthouses to luxurious resorts, you can find something that suits your preferences and budget. Additionally, many tour operators offer packages that combine several activities, such as kayaking, hiking, and rock climbing, into a single itinerary.

These packages often include transportation, equipment rental, and the services of experienced guides, so you can focus on enjoying your adventure without worrying about the logistics. Be sure to do your research and book in advance to ensure you get the best deals and availability.


Now that you’ve explored the best outdoor activities in Hualien, it’s time to plan your adventure-packed trip!

From hiking in Taroko Gorge to surfing on the East Coast, there’s something for everyone.

If you’re looking for a challenge, try river tracing or rock climbing. For a more relaxed experience, biking along the East Coast or paragliding will give you stunning views of the area.

Overall, Hualien is a fantastic destination for those looking to get out of the city and explore the great outdoors. With so many thrilling activities to choose from, it’s the perfect place to satisfy your thirst for adventure.

So pack your bags, grab your gear, and get ready for an unforgettable journey in Hualien!

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Water Activities In Taiwan
Stephen R. Humphries

Whale Watching In Taiwan: Spotting Majestic Marine Life

Whale watching has become a popular activity for tourists and locals alike, offering a unique opportunity to witness these magnificent mammals in their natural habitat. Taiwan, located in the heart of the Pacific Ocean, boasts one of the best whale watching locations in the

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Taichung Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

The Ultimate Taitung Travel Guide: 7 Days Itinerary

Are you looking for a destination that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and adventure? Look no further than Taitung, Taiwan. Nestled on the east coast of Taiwan, Taitung is a hidden gem that is waiting to be explored. With its

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Travel 4 Days In Taiwan The Perfect Itinerary

Are you looking for a quick but fulfilling getaway? Look no further than Taiwan! Despite its small size, this island nation is packed with stunning natural landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and delicious cuisine. With just four days, you can experience the best Taiwan has

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Water Activities In Taiwan
Stephen R. Humphries

Water Parks In Taiwan: Splashing Fun For The Whole Family

Water parks are one of the most popular leisure activities for families, and Taiwan offers a variety of options for those seeking a refreshing escape from the heat. With its tropical climate and abundant natural resources, Taiwan is home to numerous water parks that

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Hualien Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Hualien’s Tea Culture: 6 Tea Plantations To Explore

If you’re a tea lover, then Hualien is definitely a destination you don’t want to miss. Located in eastern Taiwan, Hualien is known for its breathtaking scenery, including towering mountains and crystal clear waters. But did you know that Hualien is also home to

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Hualien Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Hualien’s Nightlife Scene: 8 Bars And Clubs To Check Out

If you’re looking for a vibrant nightlife scene in Taiwan, Hualien is definitely worth a visit. This charming coastal city boasts a wide range of bars and clubs that cater to different tastes and preferences. Whether you’re into dancing, craft beer, jazz, or karaoke,

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Taipei Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Travel 2 Days In Taiwan The Perfect Itinerary

Are you looking for an adventure-packed getaway that will leave you breathless? Look no further than Taiwan – a vibrant and beautiful island nation that offers something for everyone. In just two days, you can explore Taiwan’s bustling cities, indulge in its world-famous cuisine,

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Taichung Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Taitung Travel Itinerary: Water Sports And Coastal Adventures

If you’re looking for an adventure-packed vacation that combines water sports and breathtaking coastal views, Taitung is the perfect destination for you. Located on the east coast of Taiwan, Taitung boasts an abundance of natural wonders, including beaches, mountains, and hot springs. Whether you’re

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Taipei Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Travel 29 Days In Taiwan The Perfect Itinerary

Are you looking for an adventure that will take you to a land of rich culture, stunning natural beauty, and mouth-watering cuisine? Look no further than Taiwan! With 29 days to spare, you have the perfect opportunity to explore this incredible island nation from

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Water Activities In Taiwan
Stephen R. Humphries

Top 5 Challenges Faced By Banking Professionals In Canada

Banking professionals in Canada face an array of challenges that can significantly impact their ability to perform their duties and meet the expectations of their clients and stakeholders. These challenges are primarily driven by the rapidly changing landscape of the banking industry, which is

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Taichung Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Taitung Travel Itinerary: Relaxing Beach Escapes

Looking for a relaxing beach getaway? Look no further than Taitung, where you can soak up the sun, enjoy the ocean breeze, and forget all about your worries. Taitung is a paradise for beach lovers and outdoor enthusiasts, offering a wide range of activities

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Taipei Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Travel 27 Days In Taiwan The Perfect Itinerary

Looking for an adventure? Look no further than Taiwan! With 27 days to explore this beautiful island, you’ll have plenty of time to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture, stunning natural landscapes, and mouth-watering cuisine. Taiwan may be a small country, but it packs

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Taipei Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Travel 26 Days In Taiwan The Perfect Itinerary

Are you ready for a 26-day adventure in Taiwan? Get ready to explore the bustling city of Taipei, hike through stunning national parks, relax in hot springs, and savor delicious cuisine. This is the perfect itinerary for those who want to experience the best

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Hualien Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Hualien With Kids: 7 Fun-Filled Attractions For The Whole Family

Looking for a family-friendly vacation destination? Look no further than Hualien, Taiwan! This charming coastal city is jam-packed with fun-filled attractions for the whole family to enjoy. From breathtaking natural wonders to exciting amusement parks, Hualien has it all. One of the must-see attractions

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Penghu Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Penghu For History Buffs: 6 Ancient Temples To Explore

Are you a history buff looking for your next adventure? Look no further than Penghu, an archipelago off the western coast of Taiwan. Here, you’ll find a treasure trove of ancient temples that not only showcase the island’s rich cultural heritage, but also offer

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Taipei Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Travel 23 Days In Taiwan The Perfect Itinerary

Are you looking for the perfect 23-day itinerary for your Taiwan trip? Look no further! Taiwan is a beautiful country filled with breathtaking scenery, delicious food, and rich culture. With this itinerary, you’ll get to experience the best of Taiwan, from Taipei City to

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Taichung Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Taitung Travel Itinerary: Music And Arts Festivals

Are you looking for a travel destination that offers a blend of music and arts festivals? Look no further than Taitung, Taiwan. This picturesque city is located on the east coast of Taiwan and is known for its stunning scenery and vibrant cultural scene.

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Kaohsiung Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Kaohsiung’s Natural Wonders: Parks, Gardens, And Scenic Spots

Kaohsiung is a city located in southern Taiwan, known for its bustling seaport, vibrant night markets, and rich cultural heritage. However, beyond the urban landscape, Kaohsiung is also home to a variety of natural wonders that showcase the city’s stunning geography and biodiversity. From

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Penghu Travel Itinerary
Stephen R. Humphries

Island Hopping Paradise: A 3-Day Penghu Travel Itinerary

Are you looking for a tropical paradise to explore? Look no further than Penghu, an archipelago off the western coast of Taiwan. With its crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and unique rock formations, Penghu is the perfect destination for island hopping and outdoor adventures.

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